Long before I got hit by the travel bug, my leisure thing would be:
1. trip to any nearby beach for relaxing, snorkel or just lepak hanging out.
2. any bike ride to hilly areas... mostly to Fraser (dekat rumah lama di Rawang, to escape to the hot weather)
Dunno why I found these activities fulfilling. Perhaps it was due to many people having good time together and every trip will be different experience though you may come to the same place all over. It is kind of escapism to be in total presence and many lesson learnt during convoying- team work, patience, respect and of course, safety precaution, sticking to the order/command ship - so many when you go travel with a bunch of friends, isn't it?
I have stopped doing this due to some back problem when it comes to long rides. Knowing my bike capacity is not allowing me to go further crossing the border, travelling by other mode is preferable for remote destination.
If you decide to have the experience of bike convoying, if you are not really a biker, I recommend you to at least give it a try.
Let's hit the core.
- First, get a machine, buy it or just simply borrow from someone. Of course some valid bike license to go with it (if you are the rider)
- Early prep to do is to ensure the bike’s physical condition to be A-OK! - Tyres, brakes, engine oil, the meter and of course the fuel capacity. Longer rides need more petrol.
- Other thing else are the insurance/road tax cover, your safety gear- helmet, boots, gloves or jacket
- Of course, prior to this prep you have to get to know the people whom you ride with (ride clubs, bike groups) – First time meet up like teh tarik session will give you ideas how your group members will help you or cooperate with you later.You don’t want to go with strangers, don’t you? Get to know them!
Every ride member will have some sort of like forum or news board to update keen participant on coming trip or tour – the date, places to go, person in charge and so on.
- Be early on the RV point (In French, Rendezvous – place to meet) before the specific time
- Once everyone is there, listen to any briefing given by the leader. Some reminder or some checklist is given. Of course, based on the weather condition whether it is permissible for the ride or not, it should be fine then.
- So a ride begins until a stop made by any member. No one will be left behind even during any emergency, so please stay in a group.
Simple kan?