I was supposed to finish this last week but there were some urgent matters and some guest in the house. By the time you have this, I am still mourning for the lost of my pictures (cuz ‘s wedding and pattani trip- big lost!) after dotter accidentally formatted the whole card in the camera. It wasn't easy to get back those shot since I might not be able to go there againbut luckily some were already being saved in the facebook.
To spend a day in Pattani for some sight seeing perhaps need some proper planning if you are going outside the town area and relying solely on public transport. I had regret not to dig more info for Masjid Kerisik, the coastal area and of course, the museum before this trip, since it was quite tiring finding local public transport (theTuk Tuk) and the hassle to ensure the little one would be able to keep pace with mine. Seghabut palo weih....
So we decided to just have whatever stuff available in town for its proximity and the convenience for us to leave for Hat Yai later.
On our walk to find breakfast, we found a new complex being built. Yeah, obviously the name can be understood...I think this is the most modern shopping complex gonna happen soon?
The tower at the roundabout beside our Hotel.... We took tuk tuk to another spot in the town....
Fishermen boats in many coat of paint at the riverside. Some men were doing some repair work on the boat.
From the way it looks, the place is still new.
A small shrine built next to a public school......
The pavement and the trees.... love its shade...the building at the end is The Court House
The Court House.. Notice how tall the flag pole is?
After some aimless wandering , I decided to pay a visit to the largest mosque in Pattani District, knowing we could not make it to Masjid Kerisik. Asal ada cukuplah kan... namanya pun trip redah... We asked a local woman who waited someone at one corner shop. Luckily the friendly lady (happpened that she used to work in Kuala Lumpur) helped us to show the direction which we needed to take another tuk tuk.
Punyalah penat menunggu with the lady, the weather become hotter and out of nowhere came this tuk tuk with a single old lady passenger who may came all the way from a market (the basket was ladden with veggies!) ...For the entire journey to drop her off and to the mosque, she kept asking in me in Thai for everything ... aduss dah macam ayam itik bercakap kami berdua. To be polite, i kept on nodding whatever she said while daughter kept on laughing for the hilarity of the situation - two strangers trying to keep each other entertained!
Pattani Central Mosque
We entered the mosque area. One man, obviously the caretaker welcomed us.
Dotter upon finding a friendly cat loitering around...adus, budak ni tak boleh nampak kucing!
The dome.
There was a local family relaxing at one spot of the mosque. They have been curious with our presence and asked us a lot of things. Borak punya borak, they were quite surprised to see me, came all the way from KL, without any male companion and with a kid somemore.... habis direcommend saudara lelaki bertaraf duda kat kampung diorang...ehehehhe, tak mo lar, nanti tiap-tiap tahun kena cross border balik raya :)
The wudhu' area/wash room for female.
This mosque is a popular spot. From my conversation with the caretaker, many people around the world come to visit as it is the largest in Pattani District. Sometimes ustaz/ustazah from other country come for religious discussion and lectures here. To pay my respect and fulfilling a request from a local who invited me to listen to morning kuliah, I just followed her for a brief session.
Luckily the kuliah was being conducted in Malay kelantanese dialect, which perfectly understood by me but not to dotter as she was not having much interest. Dia tak paham, ahhahahhahaha. She went out playing.
The kuliah for that day was 'Asal kejadian Jin".... -The origin of Djinns....everything about the origin of djinn and comparison to the human in term of numbers during Judgement Day is countless, according to the lecturer...keluarlah ayat "segala petala langit dipenuhi dengan beberapa lapis golongan jin yang tidak dapat dikira dengan pandangan kasar... those stuff I could still remember....
Most of the students (i assume them as learners) would take out their notes in Jawi to refer to the lecture. Some re-wrote back the lecture, not in Jawi but into Thai characters to another note books, camner tu... they did direct translate kot... canggih tul! As usual the derma / donation being collected with bowls handed to everyone here.

Our way back to the hotel..Dotter had to hold the iron bar or she might be thrown out from the bike eh?
After excusing ourselves , we bid farewell to the family again and took a bike (not tuk tuk) to hotel for check out. Rupanya jarak hotel ke minibus stop agak jauh, so we needed to take another tuk tuk going there (haish, every trip is 20 baht, it was quite troublesome to pay and pay, ahahhahah).
So this was when we decided to change our route. No van to go to Hat Yat at the point of time and someone suggested me to change the course :to Danok instead. Thinking it has been a day in Thai Province (we have enough), we just boarded the bus. Fare price? RM13 for one person.
To be continued......
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