This is kinda overdue.
Sometimes we even has this curiosity to know what happens in some friend's life when
a) they are migrating
b) furthering studies to some distant places
c) going away to a trip. Some may even want to have ideas for next travel getaway.
Even places that we never expect a gem, or shall we say, "a diamond in the rough" pun akan membuat kita lebih teruja nak pergi dan tengok. Thanks to the technology which allows us to connect to each other for every single moment. The Internet becomes a great source of reference for many many purposes. Kalau dulu dulu masa zaman dinosaur, tunggu kawan balik Malaysia baru boleh tahu. Itu pun kalau berjumpa.
Living in overseas for work or studies or even for good definitely a bit different compared to traveling to the places. Mana taknya, those people have to adapt to the environment and culture, discrimination or perhaps the need to endure the homesickness being far away from beloved motherland. Kita yang datang menziarah mungkin terlepas dari itu semua kerana perjalanan kita singkat dan berbentuk sementara. Ya lah, aspek nak seronok tu lagi utama. Hahahahah Yang lain cuma precautionary for safety and avoidance of unwanted incidents.
So peeking into other people's life we personally know there via blogs is just a way to know the real, honest truth about the whole thing. Bukanlah maksud stalking for free info to gossip ngan kenkawan, sometimes their thoughts in the blog inspire us in many surprise way or even urge us to go there and visit!
To the Land of US and A (The Chivas Girl)
Kenapa Chivas? Ada sejarah tersendiri dengan kawan aku ni. More to when we, Administrative and Diplomatic Officers (orang lain kata kojo PTD), needed to report for Police Module training, this feisty girl carrying a tote bag emblazoned the CHIVAS word so big when she came out from the bus. It was actually an ice breaking session pun dengan Ms. Freeda Lee. jangan korang ingat dia suka minum Chivas pulak hahahhahahaha
Happened that Ms. Freeda leave the service due to her marriage with an American guy and now residing in USA. Let's see how thing goes. I am so like it when she has this post. Why? It is the number of pumpkins in the picture which was so many and cantek cantek macam plastik!

The owner of this blog pun sudah bagi lampu hijau if i wanna promote her blog here :)
Puan Zuana (a friend to an ex colleague in the ministry) Missouri, USA

Post ni menarik kerana beliau ada peluang nak pergi berburu. Dan post jelajah keluarga yang ditulis dengan details sekali.
Ada ramai kawan-kawan lagi yang sedang berada di luar sana. Macam Encik George Blaise yang mengikuti isteri belajar Master di Seattle. Nanti akak tanya ada blog for reference... and a few yang kena follow up jugak perkembangan secara personal. Bukan apa, kenkadang seronok tengok mereka berpeluang ke mana-mana jauh dari negara ibunda. Masa ni mula lar berangan-angan nak apply buat Master tapi tu lar memandangkan akak dulu bekas pelajar tajaan JPA untuk uni local jer, kena la bagi peluang orang lain dulu... bukan serik nak mintak, tapi tu la, anak nak UPSR. kesian plak, kena tunggu masa yang sesuai!
Apa pun niat sebenar bukan nak menghabeskan duit kerajaan di sebalik reason nak apply belajar balik... more to dah boring sebab asyik kena bekerja siang malam, saja nak tukar angin. Kenkadang kita juga kena buat detour dalam hidup untuk tujuan lebih baik, bukan?
Sedang memikirkan Blue Ocean Strategy untuk perancangan selepas ini.
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